Benefits of Hiring a Solo Practitioner
Hiring a Custody Attorney
Going through a divorce or separation is a milestone moment in anyone’s life, with both partners engaged in a rollercoaster of emotions from the initial filing through the issuance of final rulings in the case. The emotional upheaval caused by a divorce or separation is magnified tenfold when children are involved and when custody issues arise. Having the right attorney by your side during the process can make things go more smoothly from start to finish, helping to make a bad situation a bit more bearable. And because the individual attention that a solo practitioner offers clients can be both comforting and valuable, it is generally best practice to engage a smaller law practice for your custody dispute or other custody issues as opposed to a larger, less personable firm.
Working with a solo attorney for your custody case has its perks. Chief among them:
- The client is the priority. One of the biggest benefits of hiring a solo practicing lawyer to handle your custody issues is that you get individualized attention from the attorney you hire.
- Each case is personal. Because the solo lawyer has no other attorneys on staff, they handle each case personally and may even be selective in choosing the cases they take and how many clients they take on. This closer relationship with the attorney ensures that the attorney is well aware of the desires and goals that you have and is fully vested in seeing your case to a successful outcome.
- Communication is easier. When you have just one attorney to communicate with, then you always know who handles what and who you need to be talking with, which is not the case with larger firms.
- Solo practitioners usually do a few things very well. You’ve always heard that practice makes perfect. With solo attorneys, this means that they may do one thing particularly well, such as handle family cases involving child custody, divorce, child support, and related matters. This comes from handling similar cases over and over again.
- Solo attorneys tend to offer flexibility. Because smaller firms have fewer clients to deal with, they are generally more flexible with the time they offer their clients.
- A solo attorney may be more available. The personalized service usually provided by the solo practitioner lends itself to enhanced availability. This means it’s easier to reach your attorney when you need to and oftentimes comes with the ability to work meetings and appearances around your specific schedule and needs.
From problems with visitation to custodial interference and issues with relocation, custody issues are quite common between separating/divorcing couples. Ironing out the kinks often requires skilled negotiation.
As a parent, your child is your whole world, so it makes sense to use special care when choosing the representation you need for your custody battle or other custody concerns. Reach out to seasoned and experienced Salt Lake City family law attorney Emy Cordano to find an advocate for you as you navigate the uncertain waters of child custody. You can contact Attorney Cordano and her team by clicking here, or call us at (801) 901-8159 for a consultation.

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