If your circumstances have changed in a way that impacts your children, it may be necessary to change your custody arrangements. In Utah, this is done by petitioning the court to modify the orders that were entered when you divorced or after your children were born.
I am Salt Lake City custody modification lawyer Emy Cordano. As an attorney devoted to helping my clients overcome hurdles related to family law, I understand how modifications work in Utah courts. If you are seeking to change your custody arrangements to support your children’s best interests, I can help you decide whether and how to pursue a modification. I am here to represent you if your case involves:
- Relocation by you or the other parent
- Custody-related changes to the child support you pay or receive
- A change in your children’s needs or schedules, which can occur as they get older
Every custody situation is different. You may or may not be able to change your original child custody order. As your Salt Lake City custody modification attorney, I will provide you with practical advice regarding the custody of your children. If modifying custody is viable and in your best interest, I will work with you to make it happen.
Many people continue to comply with the original guidelines set by the court after the divorce. But sooner or later, there will be changes in your life or former spouse that can affect your children. It is vital to seek legal advice from a Salt Lake City custody modification lawyer that can help petition the court to make adjustments to your divorce settlement. Because the laws regarding custody modification can be complicated, it is important to select a highly experienced and skilled divorce attorney that can protect your parental rights.
Any new arrangement must be in the best interest of the children. This is the standard that the court uses and what I will help you use when drafting your petition to change a custody agreement.
Oftentimes, changing a custody agreement may also trigger the support payment schedule to be re-evaluated. If there has been a substantial change in financial circumstances or the custody sharing is greatly changed, I can help you draft a new order that takes this into account.
Contact me about your custody modification needs. Are you seeking an experienced attorney to help with a Salt Lake City custody modification? When it comes to divorce attorneys, there is no substitute for experience. Contact me to schedule a consultation with me regarding your child custody modification case.

Contact Attorney Emy Cordano
for a Consultation