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Utah’S High Rate Of Domestic Violence

Domestic violence can impact every aspect of your life, including your marriage, the divorce process, and child custody. This can become both a criminal and civil issue, and being the victim of domestic violence or facing allegations of domestic violence can directly affect the outcome of a divorce or custody case. You need an attorney who understands how to handle these situations. Emy Cordano is a Salt Lake City domestic violence attorney who can walk you through every aspect of your case.

How does Utah’s domestic violence rate compare to other states?

An article in the Salt Lake Tribune points out that Utah’s homicide rate is one of the lowest in the nation. They also state that domestic-violence-related deaths account for approximately 30% of homicides in the United States. In Utah, that number skyrockets to 44%.

In instances when a woman’s intimate partner has a gun, the risk of homicide due to domestic violence increases to 500%.

In Utah, the definition of domestic violence is fairly narrow. This limits the ability of law enforcement to prevent some incidents. For police to respond aggressively to domestic violence claims, a person has to have been married to or living with the person who threatened them or did them harm.

Utah Code Section 77-36 Cohabitant Abuse Procedures Act defines domestic violence as:

  • “Any criminal offense committed against a cohabitant involving violence, physical harm, the threat of violence or physical harm, or any attempt, conspiracy, or solicitation to commit a criminal offense involving violence or physical harm.”

Why you need an attorney to help with these cases?

Emy Cordano has the skills and experience to help those who have been victims in domestic violence situations, as well as those who have been falsely accused of domestic violence. In the context of a family law case, she will work to:

  • Obtain Protective Orders to keep you safe
  • Handle protective orders against you
  • Help you understand how domestic violence can affect child custody and visitation arrangements
  • Help you navigate any law enforcement agencies involved in the case

In these situations, you may feel powerless. Living in fear does not have to be the norm or continue. Your Salt Lake City domestic violence lawyer will provide you with the resources necessary to regain control of your life.

If you have been falsely accused of domestic violence, Emy Cordano will work to ensure you are treated fairly throughout this process, particularly in areas concerning the family court.

We can get you through this!

If you are going through domestic violence issues in your marriage, you can count on Emy Cordano to be by your side. She and her staff take a caring approach to each case end provide attention to detail to ensure you are treated fairly and compassionately throughout the process. The consequences of domestic abuse or assault in your relationship can be overwhelming. If you have been abused, there is no reason to continue living in fear. If you have been accused of domestic violence, we will work to help you understand the charges and advise you on the best strategies to take in your divorce or custody case. When you need a Salt Lake City domestic violence attorney, you can contact us by clicking here or call us at (801) 901-8159 for an initial consultation.

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