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Don’T Let Alimony Control You

You have been married for 24 years. You raised three great kids and all of them are in college or in the workforce now. You did great.

Unfortunately, you and your spouse are no longer getting along. You have not been for a while now. You did not plan on getting divorced, but that is where you find yourself now.

Divorced and paying a huge chunk of money monthly in alimony payments. You pay so much that your entire lifestyle has changed. You cannot go out to eat often and you had to see your vehicle for a smaller used car.

This is the story of many people in the aftermath of a divorce. Figuring out finances after being in a marriage can be tough, especially if you end up having to pay alimony to your spouse. Emy A. Cordano understands this area of law and can walk yours through the entire process.

The thought of alimony could give you nightmares, whether you are the one that is going to have to pay alimony or the one who will receive it, dealing with it alone is not something you should do.

We won’t point out that, as more women are becoming the breadwinners in marriages, they are now having to pay alimony.

What Is Alimony?

Alimony is the way through which the spouse with greater financial resources supports their ex-spouse until he or she is able to support themselves financially.

There are a few types of alimony that can be awarded in Utah:

  • Temporary alimony – this is usually only paid while a divorce is pending, allowing the spouse with less money to take care of their needs.
  • Transitionary alimony – this is another type of temporary alimony, but it is granted after a divorce for the purpose of giving the spouse with less financial means to have time to get education or training to become financially stable for themselves. This alimony is usually only set for a specific amount of time.
  • Permanent alimony – this is the type of alimony most people are familiar with and is paid usually monthly to the spouse who has less financial means in order to help them maintain a lifestyle they were used to during the marriage.

Most of these alimony payments are monthly, though in some cases, a lump-sum alimony payment can be made for support or a way to equalize assets.

Alimony can be adjusted or stopped. If either party experiences major income changes, the court can be petitioned for a modification. If the receiving spouse remarries, the payments will stop.

What To Do

Alimony can be confusing and frustrating to deal with and you need to secure a good alimony attorney in Salt Lake City to help you through it. Emy A. Cordano is ready to walk you through the entire process. Whether you will be paying or receiving alimony, we want to ensure that a fair amount is agreed upon, which allows both parties to continue to live their lives. Remember, if there are minor children involved, child support payments will also be affected during these settlements. When you need a Salt Lake City alimony attorney, you can contact us by clicking here or call us at (801) 901-8159 for a legal consultation.

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