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Mothers May Not Always Win Custody

Most people assume that courts generally favor awarding women custody rights but that’s not necessarily true. Mothers do not always win custody cases since they may not be in the best position to provide a stable environment for the children. The parent able to provide a safe atmosphere to raise the children is usually awarded custody. The custodial parent must be both physically and financially stable. In other words, the child’s basic needs such as food, clothes, healthcare, and shelter should be met otherwise his or her parenting abilities will be questioned and the judge will not grant custody.

While many judges lean towards awarding a mother custody, you can still hire a Salt Lake City child custody attorney and challenge these decisions. You can win joint custody unless your case involves physical abuse. If your former spouse was abusive, you will win the custody battle and become the custodial parent.

Don’t assume the mother will win custody

If you are a father fighting for your custody rights, don’t assume your former spouse will be awarded custody. While it is true women are generally awarded custody more than men, things have changed quite a bit since women entered the workforce. Many women don’t stay home with the children like they used to. In most cases, both parents work. In other words, both parents have the same level of involvement in their children’s lives.

Gender is less important in custody battles

If you and your former spouse work and split duties, you may both qualify to win custody. Even if you can’t win sole custody, you can be granted joint custody and have plenty of time with your children. When joint custody is awarded, parents have shared responsibilities in raising their children. While it may not feel like the perfect scenario, remember that thanks to improved laws now fathers can have equal rights to parenting time as mothers. It may not always be easy to get what you want but it is possible if you hire an experienced Salt Lake City child custody attorney.

Some things you can do

Custody battles can be one of the most intense battles between divorcees. There is always a parent trying to make the other parent look bad. This is not a good approach as courts see such behavior as immature and unreliable. In other words, talking bad about your ex is not going to help improve the situation unless your former spouse is truly a bad parent. The best approach to winning child custody is showing why you are a trustworthy parent able to provide for your child’s physical and emotional needs. Try to stay home and spend time with the kids as much as possible. The more you get involved in your children’s lives the better your chances of winning the custody battle will be.

It’s never too late to seek the help of a Salt Lake City family law attorney. Call us today and schedule your initial case assessment.

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